The Akhil Bhartiya Railway Khan-Pan Licensees Welfare Association (ABRKPLWA) lead by Shri Ravinder Gupta working since last more than thirty years for welfare of the railway Khan Pan Licensees and vendors has prominent recognition in the Indian Railway organization. Not only the recognition in Railways, dedicatedly serving Mr. Ravinder Gupta has raised suppressed voice of these vendors in Parliament also and has won the case in the Hon’ble Supreme Court also.
With other likewise working unions, the need was felt to unite all Khan Pan Licenses and vendors under one organization and Akhil Bhartiya Railway Khan-Pan Licensees Welfare Association was formed in the year 2004 and this Association where in Khan-Pan Licensees all over Indian Railway Associated was got registered in the year 2005 with the Government under Registration No. 123445 issued by the Registrar of Societies.acat १८६०
The continuing efforts of the Association and positive approach towards welfare being of the licensees and there vendors as well as services to passengers have gained nationwide support from public, press including Parliamentarians and voice of the association got adequate recognition on the floor of the parliament and the Ministry of Railways.
On the occasion of its introduction over digital networking, all its members over Indian railway feel proud and express gratitude to all who so-ever take the opportunity to know about its participations, aim and objections.
The need was felt to unite all Khan Pan Licenses and vendors under one organization and Akhil Bhartiya Railway Khan-Pan Licensees Welfare Association was formed in the year 2004 and this Association where in Khan-Pan Licensees all over Indian Railway Associated was got registered in the year 2005 with the Government under Registration No. 123445 issued by the Registrar of Societies.acat १८६०.
The Akhil Bhartiya Railway Khan-Pan Licensees Welfare Association (ABRKPLWA) lead by Shri Ravinder Gupta working since last more than thirty years for welfare of the railway Khan Pan Licensees and vendors has prominent recognition in the Indian Railway organization. Not only the recognition in Railways, dedicatedly serving Mr. Ravinder Gupta has raised suppressed voice of these vendors in Parliament also and has won the case in the Hon’ble Supreme Court also.
Akhil Bhartiya Railway Khan-Pan Licensees Welfare Association was formed in the year 2004 and this Association where in Khan-Pan Licensees all over Indian Railway Associated was got registered in the year 2005 with the Government under Registration No. 123445
Indian Railway is lifeline of the country and is National Logistic provider. Hourly needs out of the home of more than 2.3 carore of Indian railway passengers daily travelling on more than 12600 trains passing through more than 7100 Stations located on more than 115000 kilometers of railway tracks across India having one of the longest journey route of five days travelling 4233 Km taking halt on 56 stations from Dibrugarh Assam to Kanya Kumari Tamil Nadu, All is taken care by thousands of Khan Pan licensee & Vendors in all adverse conditions 24 hours of the day and they are dedicatedly supported by lacs of their family members.
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